Masthead FX

I chose to edit the word 'masthead' like this because it stood out to me out of the multiple different ones I did before my final drafts. I personally think the colours used make the words pop and stand out e.g. the 'Pattern Overlay' makes the word stand out and look a lot more interesting. I think the 'gradient overlay' the 'colour overlay' and the 'stroke' ones worked best. I struggled with the 'satin' one as it was hard to make it apparent that it had been edited.


  1. these are some really quite nice examples of some of the higher end functions around creative text, but show successful examples and post with a commentary which tells me what you actually did?
    - what the effects where like?
    - which ones did you like and why?
    - what combinations worked best and why?
    - what was difficult?
    - what problems did you have to overcome?
    It would also be nice to
    compare and contrast to your earlier attempts at manipulating text in terms of font / colour and warp text.


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